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Saturday, October 9, 2010
New planet that might support human life discovered
A new planet has been identified that just might be habitable by future humans.
"This really is the first Goldilocks planet," said co-discoverer R. Paul Butler of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, referring to the so called "Goldilocks zone" for life – an area which is not too hot nor too cold, but "just right," and make a “very compelling case for a potentially habitable planet."
The planet is neither too close nor too far to its equivalent of the sun, so that it might contain water. Its size, neither too big nor too small, also suggests proper surface, gravity and atmosphere for life to thrive.
The planet is currently called Gliese 581g, as it is the sixth planet revolving around the star Gliese 581 (with the star itself designated "a").
"It's not a very interesting name and it's a beautiful planet," said co-discoverer Steven Vogt, of the University of California in Santa Cruz.
"I call it Zarmina's World," he added, after his wife.
There are some distinct differences between Gliese 581g and Earth. It is about three times the mass of Earth and is 14 million miles away from its star (as opposed to 93 million miles between the Earth and sun), so that it completes a full orbit in around 37 days.
In addition, it does not seem to revolve much so that one side of the planet is perpetually at night, and the other is constantly in the daytime.
Vogt and Butler are set to publish their findings in the Astrophysical Journal.
Life on Gliese 581g?
Gliese 581g is 120 trillion miles away from Earth so that travelling to it would take generations.
On a cosmic scale, however, Vogt describes the planet as being "like right in our face, right next door to us.”
Vogt added that he believes "that chances for life on this planet are 100%” due to its Goldilocks conditions, although it remains to be seen what kind of life populates this alien world.
"The fact that we were able to detect this planet so quickly and so nearby tells us that planets like this must be really common,” he added.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Quotes For Communication
*Adrienne Rich
*George Bernard Shaw
*Edward Fairfax
*Ambrose Bierce
*Marie Ebner von Eschenbach
*Alfred Kadushin
*Hubert H. Humphrey
*Jonathan Swift
*Michel de Montaigne
*Pearl S. Buck
*Robert Greeleaf
*Garrison Keillor
*Anthony Robbins
*Rudyard Kipling
*Sharon Schuster
*George Eliot
*Joseph Priestley
*Kin Hubbard
*Clarence Darrow
*Harry S. Truman
*Willa Cather
*Franklin Delano Roosevelt
*Margaret Chase Smith
*Rollo May
When people talk, listen completely. Most people never listen.
*Ernest Hemingway
Life is far too important a thing ever to talk about. -Oscar Wilde.
*Oscar Wilde
You cannot shake hands with a clenched fist. -Indira Gandhi.
*Indira Gandhi
*Woodrow Wilson
*Anne Morrow Lindbergh
No one would talk much in society, if he knew how often he misunderstands others.
*Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Today, communication itself is the problem. We have become the world's first overcommunicated society. Each year we send more and receive less.
*Al Ries
The more elaborate our means of communication, the less we communicate.
*Joseph Priestley
Two monologues do not make a dialogue.
*Jeff Daly
*Marcel Proust
*Ernest Hello
Every improvement in communication makes the bore more terrible.
*Frank Moore Colby
The art of communication is the language of leadership.
*James Humes
Self-expression must pass into communication for its fulfillment.
*Pearl Buck
*Robert Greenleaf
Electric communication will never be a substitute for the face of someone who with their soul encourages another person to be brave and true.
*Charles Dickens
No one would talk much in society if they knew how often they misunderstood others.
*Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
Men and women belong to different species, and communication between them is a science still in its infancy.
*Bill Cosby
After all, when you come right down to it, how many people speak the same language even when they speak the same language?
*Russell Hoban
Evil communication corrupts good manners. I hope to live to hear that good communication corrects bad manners.
*Benjamin Banneker
We dissect nature along lines laid down by our native language. Language is not simply a reporting device for experience but a defining framework for it.
*Benjamin Whorf
The fantastic advances in the field of electronic communication constitute a greater danger to the privacy of the individual.
*Earl Warren
His right and left brain are talking to each other more these days. The one is an atheist Marxist and the other is a Christian socialist.
*O Anna Niemus
It's not the same to talk of bulls as to be in the bullring. -Spanish proverb.
*Spanish Proverb
Anybody who thinks talk is cheap has never argued with a traffic cop. -Henny Youngman.
*Henny Youngman
Most men had rather say a smart thing than do a good one. John P. Kotter, Leading Change -Josh Billings.
*Josh Billings
It seemed rather incongruous that in a society of supersophisticated communication, we often suffer from a shortage of listeners.
*Erma Bombeck
It takes less time to do a thing right than to explain why you did it wrong. Ralph Nichols -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
*Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Monday, August 30, 2010
Friday, August 13, 2010
Ezra T. Suministrado's Podcast
Credits to:
Tristan Josua Mari Francisco
Bloc mates
Ancil Smagula for capturing my video
and Simple plan for their song, "Welcome to my Life".